A Happy Anniversary Post.
Not me and the handy man…
It’s the One Year Anniversary
of Fox Hollow Cottage.
I’ve spent quite some time trying to decide how to express what blogging this past year has meant to me.
I started thinking about it several weeks ago.
And last night. And this morning…
Now, here I am.
It’s after 8 p.m. and I’m still stuck.
{I’m obviously not good at this}
On this day, last year.
I took a deep breath, posted some pictures and hit publish. It was a second chance for me. I had tried to blog once before, the previous January, but it just didn’t stick.
This time it did and kept on posting.
I will always be thankful to
to start a blog, for her continued friendship and her excellent cheering skills!
I don’t have the biggest blog.
Fanciest house.
Or the Best Crafts…
But I have the nicest people visit me.
Encourage me.
And cheer me on.
Oh look, there are some of you now!
I in turn, love giving that back.
I count many of you friends.
I ask your advice.
Try to offer comfort you when you’re down.
And cheer for you when you’re up!!
I’ve been fortunate to experience some highlights this year that I never expected.
I thought I would be lucky, lucky.. to have more then 100 followers within a year.
and I am lucky.
I was accepted to BlogHer.
I didn’t know what BlogHer was a year ago.
My Pool Noodle Wreaths got around a bit.
One was even featured on BlogHer.
Then it traveled off to live with
my friend Debbie at reFresh reStyle.
Lots of link parties have been joined and many generous bloggers have featured my projects and posts. It continues to be an honor and a treat when something of mine is featured. It sure feels nice.
I even got the chance to
in the Newbie Spotlight and for the Great Spring’tacular link party.
and Facebooked my little fingers off.
And had a blast doing it!
There was also an awful tragedy that struck, but as a blogging community, we raised $910 to try and help. I was so proud to be a part of that and the generosity involved.
Blogging is also a really great motivator
for knocking things off your to-do list.
{man is it ever}
My husband is super handy and thanks to him, many projects were completed. He definitely deserves credit for most of the big stuff that gets done around here. Plus, he is so supportive of my love for blogging and that means the world to me.
are one that he gets ALL the credit for!
Yep, that was all him too.
(with some help from Austin)
I worked paint & clean up.. but without him, lets face it… paint alone was just not going to do the trick.
This year has also brought a new venture for me and I’m a retailer for La Craie paint from the Maison Blanche Paint Company.
It’s super exciting to be working with the Maison Blanche Paint Company. I find it so easy to share something I really believe in.
Because I’ll tell you what…
if it wasn’t some premium paint,
this girl would let me know!
{and that is why I love her}
Laura from Our Prairie Home and I ran into each other in blog land as newbies and we’ve been Lilo & Stitch ever since.
I love her.
The girl can craft.. and sew..
and man, can she PAINT!
Another fun thing about blogging
is that sometimes,
you get surprises in the mail!
When you send a friend (Debbie) a present. Just because.
And you won’t let her pay you for it.
She’ll (Debbie) send you a present back.
Because she is stubborn sweet like that 😉
But you really like it.
And seeing your blog name like that made it suddenly feel so “real”.
{and you’re not so secretly very happy}
That leads me to a thank-you gift for spending the last year with me.
{Sorry about that}
It’s from Creative Carmella and I
I thought she was the perfect
Go-To Girl
to create a special little something
in celebration of
Fox Hollow Cottage’s
first year.
Carmella has a shop;
Carmella is on facebook
I thank you for hanging out with me!
For stopping by the blog
and for taking time to comment.
I look forward to lots more fun,
DIY adventures and some
Cheap&Easy crafts.
I want Fox Hollow Cottage to continue to grow and I want you to be there with me.
It sure wouldn’t be any fun all alone!!
Special thanks to;
Courtney at French Country Cottage
Kim at Savvy Southern Style
Viv at The V Spot
Karen at Redoux
Beth at Home Stories A to Z
Nita at Mod Vintage Life
Karin at Art is Beauty
Gina at Random Thoughts
Kelly at Eclectically Vintage
Miss Bliss at Bliss Ranch
Heather at Dollar Store Crafts
Cassie at Primitive and Proper
{she will give me that aqua sideboard one day… }
Desiree at The 36th Avenue
Bonnie & Trish at Uncommon
Heather & Vanessa at at The Picket Fence
Karianne at Thistlewood Farms
Donna from Funky Junk Interiors
and Nana Diana
for supporting me (and many others) with tips, help, friendship, features and/or inspiration!
This list in no way includes everyone but I will have to continue this Love~Fest in another post as I am painfully slow and this has taken me 3 hours. Mwah!!
A Year In The Making {and a giveaway}
This content is original to Fox Hollow Cottage and belongs to Shannon Fox.
Appearance in full on any site other then Fox Hollow Cottage is theft!
Appearance in full on any site other then Fox Hollow Cottage is theft!
Congrats on a fabulous anniversary!! So glad you are in blog world…it’s a better place with you in it!!
What a fantastic post Shannon! I enjoyed reading it with my cup of Joe this morning. I felt like you were right in front of me. Great giveaway choice (wink, wink). I so enjoy your blog and am Glad you started it, congrats to 1 year! 🙂 Have an awesome day.
Shannon, I could not be happier for you and all your achievements and your zest for life and blogging!~ I wish you continued happiness in all you do and share. You have a lot to give, and we all know you sure give it!
Thanks in return for being supportive of me.
Congrats on your one year anniversary. I love visiting you because you are so REAL….and that, to me, is the most important part of the people I follow- Love ya, gal- xo Diana
Happy Blogaversary, Shannon! : ) It’s been enjoyable coming along on your decorating and DIY journey. I look forward to seeing what else you do in the future. You’re a wonderful bloggy friend to so many. I know you will have much success in your new venture, too!
Happy Anniversary Shannon! I have only been at blogging a little over a month, and I absolutely LOVE your blog (and Debbiedoo’s). You are an inspiration. I hope to be as successful someday. Thank you for all you give us!
Happy one year blogging anniversary. So glad Debbie pushed you into it. Thanks to you for all your help recently. You are so very giving. Great giveaway and have a super day!
Happy 1 year Anniversary! I am simply amazed at how far you have come in a year. I’ve been blogging for about 7 months and am no where near your success. You give me the courage to continue on. Enjoy the day your talents have created!
Awwwww! Aren’t you a doll?! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, LILO!!! Can’t believe it’s been almost a year since we became friends! I don’t know what I’d do without you! You are the BEST cheerleader EVER!!! And I am so proud of you and what you have accomplished! And you know why you have? Because you’re sweet, generous, funny, kind, smart, and you have the best mix of sarcasm/humor EVER. That’s why we love you and that’s why we’ll always love you! Reach for the starts, baby! I’m gonna be able to say, “I knew her when…”! Sending you a big ole MWAH today! Love you, girl! Congrats!!!
Congradulations. I just love all that you do. Its wonderful that Im able to email you photos of my projects and have you like them or to ask your advice. Starring with us your story and your family. Thank you. Whitney Sigler
Congradulations. I just love all that you do. Its wonderful that Im able to email you photos of my projects and have you like them or to ask your advice. Starring with us your story and your family. Thank you. Whitney Sigler
Congrats! Sorry I can’t tweet about your anniv or giveaway ~ not into that. Looking forward to another year!
Wel if anyone is good at blogging…it is you dear friend! The first time I talked to you on the phone made me realize just how much your blogging is exactly how you talk. Not many can do that when typing words for so many to read…your personality conveys so very well and I always love reading what you have to say and of course looking at what you’ve done! I am so very happy for you and your one year of positive blogging!!! May you have a million followers and never die away…you are an amazing person!!! Congrats!
Happy Anniversary! I am so glad you’re blogging! You are one the kindest, most considerate, loving people that I know 🙂 I am so lucky to count you as a friend!
Shannon- Happy 1 year anniversary. Best of luck for as many more years. You are a sweet person with a lot of heart and it evident through your blog.