“Ten Trends That Are Past Their Prime”
according to House Beautiful Magazine
The title piqued my interest, and out of sheer curiosity, I clicked through the top-ten list they had complied, you know… just too see how offensive I was being and to see what I better put on my to-do list to change.
Yeah right!
This girl is not that easily influenced. (At least, I like to think I’m not!)
I’ll share the entire list, but first I want to talk about #3 and #10.
I had to giggle a little at what was listed at #3.
- Mason Jars
What amused me wasn’t so much that they were giving Mason Jars the heave-ho.
It’s that the replacement they suggest is… are you ready?
You read that right… tin cans.
They actually state that in the article that “Websites have been ringing the mason jar death knell for more than a year, but they just won’t go away.” Apparently, we must pay more attention to websites! haha.
I find the tin can replacement idea, shall we say, not exactly timely…
I did these years ago!
And funnily enough, they even appeared in a magazine.
What is that saying again? … I think it goes; “Everything old is new again.“
Yes, that’s it!
Myself and lots of others have made plenty more tin can projects… so I know for certain that the Tin Can is not the newest trend!
Enough about my cans though.
We need to talk about #10.
- Chalkboard Paint
Noooooo… not my beloved chalkboard paint.
Ya’ll know I put chalkboard paint all over my house and on about anything that’ll stand still!
I love the chalkboard wall above my fireplace mantel and have no intention of changing it anytime soon.
A big trend follower I am not, but I adore me some chalkboard paint. I jumped in the chalkboard paint waters and began swimming with abandon! Because I genuinely dig it. The moodiness, the visual texture, even when un-chalked, is something I enjoy the look of. Unless the mood strikes and I feel like, because I am tired of the dark color, or get my heart set on something else, I will continue to be in love with my chalkboard wall and other various CB paint projects.
I decorate my house for me, and you should too!
When you come to Fox Hollow Cottage, I hope you feel like what you are seeing is authentic. I don’t claim to be an interior designer, just because I like to decorate my home and happen to blog about it. I’m just a regular girl, with a real life budget. I don’t paint my living room every other week or buy all new accessories when the *Pantone color of the year is announced! And I bet most of you don’t either. *I do reserve the right to do so if I’m crazy about it though! It could happen.
You know, whenever I share something, if you like it too, by all means give it a shot, but it is never my intention, whether I’m showing my own work or maybe highlighting something I think is special, to suggest you should absolutely do xyz too.
The whole article just got me to thinking. I know trends and fads come and go, and we can’t help but see them reflected in retail, and all around us. I also know the look of my home won’t stand still because I crave change. I enjoy keeping up to date with all the current trends and spend far too much time reading the latest furniture trends from Miami, but it’s a hobby. I also enjoy shopping and treasure hunting at thrift stores, estate sales and tag sales and such… but I do it out of a love for decorating and making a home that I love to be ensconced in. Not in a frenzied, mad-dash to capture the look of the minute. It’s never to chase the latest hot style or capture the ultimate on-trend chic home or decor. We all know that would be elusive anyhow.
I think balance is important in all things. (If only my diet would listen!)
My point in all this being.
- Your home is just that, your home.
- Fill it with what makes your heart smile.
- Not with what anyone else tells you to love and desire.
- Not a catalog, a designer, a magazine, a website or a blog.
I’m curious, with all this trend talk, how do you feel about the various top ten lists with do’s and don’ts?
Do articles similar to the one by House Beautiful make you feel dissatisfied with your home and it’s decor?
The days of prime past trends in order of appearance were;
- Dip Dying – Which I happen to think is adorable and would still like to try if I find the right thing!
- Directional Signs – Like, EAT, WASH, BRUSH. One exception: Giant, industrial kitchens are begging for huge, lighted marquees. Well excuse us of the little kitchen clans.
- Mason Jars – You can find all my tin cans and tutorials here.
- Chevron (in big&bold) – I’m not a chevron girl but I appreciate it when it’s done well.
- Capiz Shell Chandeliers – Exception, real Capiz shell chandeliers.
- Marker Walls – Like Sharpie accent and feature walls.
- Taxidermy Crafts – Calling for real in rustic lodges only and actually belittling antlers about anywhere.
- Pallet Furniture – I think pallets are too budget friendly to ignore. See our latest project here.
- Distressed Furniture – So many are still trying and enjoying this for the first time, it’s going to be around a lot longer. Click here to find a slew of beginner friendly painted furniture makeover ideas.
- Chalkboard Paint – There is a lot out there, but embrace it if ya love it! I am.
Read the full article here.
I love good conversation…
as well as sharing DIY, craft and decorating ideas!
PS: Did anyone else happen to notice that all the offenders were pretty much DIY based?
Are You Chasing The Latest Decorating Trends
Shannon, I love what you have to say!!! YOu should write a magazine article! We should use what we love!!!!!
Mason jars… no way!!!!! They are a classic!
I will get right on that Yvonne 😉
Pretty sure Mason Jars (which have been around for over 100 years) are not going anywhere. People really love them!!
I don’t even like some of the things on the list, but that doesn’t matter. You are right…if you love it, continue to do whatever your little heart desires. 🙂
I only like the things I like because I like them, not because it’s popular. If it just happens to be that way, oh well.
Have a great one!
Same exact thing here! I like what I like. In fact, I like a lot more stuff than I buy. lol. Otherwise I’d have the mish-mashiest house ever. I can appreciate much.
Well I guess I will just be on the out list because I only this year started collecting my beloved mason jars and I just recently made my huge chalk board and I have and will ALWAYS love distressed furniture. Oh well. If you love it it decorate with it. Who cares what the trend is. Wonderful post Shannon!
My chalkboards are not going anywhere. I love the versatility of changing them up. I’m so glad that so many feel the same. I don’t need a corporation telling me what to like this season. I get driving the economy. But I’m not going to drive off a cliff to do it. And while I love change, I only love it so much.
I think trends just come and go.. We only embrace and let go only in accordance with what works best for us. And also we can not have everyone agree to disagree and vice versa. For me chalkboard paint, mason jars and distressed paint are still staying. And tin cans are great, but they are not replacing mason jars. 🙂
They sure do! And you could get whip lash keeping up. lol
I’m all for doing what we love (: Genuinely love.
trends smends….okay not a real word…hehe…I used to follow some trends….but decided when I hated that southwest look in my house to STOP trying to be trendy and be what I like….I have a big mix…new stuff and vintage…and have plenty of distressed furniture…bought ON PURPOSE….hey it’s going to get that way so just start out that way…IMO…..same with clothing…I see items and wonder who in their RIGHT MIND would wear it….
I do like chalk paint…NOT chalkboard paint…love not having to sand etc…but I do…lol and I did tin cans YEARS ago…nothing new…..I do like all the tops and different lids for mason jars…from flower frogs to spice tops…
Trends smends. Love it!
I love hearing so many doing what they love trend or not.
It’s wonderful!!
A bit surprised by #9 – distressed furniture. Distressed furniture has been around forever – hence the resurgence of milk paint and the popularity of chalk paint, only now we don’t have to wait for years for our furniture to get that lovely patina, we can get it in a few hours. I have always distressed my pieces – don’t see it going away anytime soon – brand new shiny factory finish furniture does not appeal to the masses – no character!
Me too! It’s in full swing everywhere I go. There are a zillion paint companies now and classes all over the country. I’m with you, I’d prefer a knocked around antique over anything new in the furniture store. (Baring a sofa or mattress of course) 😉
There are many of us third-generation DIY-ers. By that, I mean those pricey items have gone out of trend and passed along about twice, and then we find them at Goodwill/thrift stores and once again repurpose them. I just completed a framed chalkboard, and I am loving it. I am also currently in the process of changing an old oak hall tree that lost it’s mirror into a chalkboard piece. So, my chalkboards are not going away any time soon 🙂 Thank you for encouraging everyone to love their homes for what joy it brings to them – not because it’s trendy.
All hail chalkboard paint! Chalkboard lovers untie. hahaha – You know really, it’s the same as chasing the beauty standard and buying every new lipstick that comes out to feel good about yourself. (This coming from a former counter manager for Estee Lauder) It’s all got to be done in moderation. Again, I really need to apply this to my diet. 😉
I pick and choose out of “new” trends. I have noticed a surge in tin can ideas. Like you, An occasional chevron pattern looks good. But really, I will probably never use the chevron pattern . I haven’t tried the chalk paint, though there are some really cute ideas posted. Budget has kept me from trying the chalk paint, but I do want to use it in our home gym.
Me too! Like I said, you are bound to be influenced, Target alone could kill ya trying to keep up. (cute stuff though!!) I do the same, pick and choose little bits that make me smile, being careful not to get too wrapped up in it all. The chalk style paints are great for a particular look and ease of use. There are a multitude to choose from now!
I have to admit that the what’s hot and what’s not in some magazines make me chuckle. It seems like a bunch of designers sit around and talk about all the decor ideas “they” dislike and throw a list together, ignoring the fact that most DIYers do the projects first out of necessity and second, they are creating something for their home out of love. Thank you for the heads up 🙂
Have a nice day.
And a happy day to you as well! I sometimes swing between it all being perfectly orchestrated (the hot list) and randomly hinging on one persons taste (or mood that day!).
No chaser here! I do like me a good can project though. Mason jars I like as well but have for a long time even before they really became popular I collected a few vintage ones. I saw the writing on the wall with a few of these trends for sure.
Yep, those decor trends run white hot and the deciders can be very fickle!!
I think you’re right, ‘they’ don’t like diy-ers, we hit ’em in the pocketbook. I like the fact that I can do something crafty and get a ‘look’ for way less money than most of the ‘in’ stores, websites, etc. I can’t afford pricey items. I grew up with a mother who painted, sewed and repurposed things before that was really in, and constantly rearranged the furniture and chotchkes. I never knew when I got off the school bus in the afternoons what the place would look like, lol. She truly made a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. She loved beautiful things and loved to cook and entertain. With a houseful of kids and a small budget, she performed wonders. I aspire to be more like her, and I love that there has been an explosion of diy-ers in the last few years. She would have approved. Your website is awesome and Mom would love it. (that’s high praise) Oh, and House Beautiful? I have always thought they were way too pretentious. Southern Living all the way, baby.
Denise, Your mom sounds like an amazingly accomplished, hard working woman! I don’t have expensive taste (for the most part) and my budget wouldn’t allow for it if I did. lol. I find great satisfaction in figuring out how to make things as pleasing as I can with what I have, can make, and can afford. I think you, I and many others feel the same! Thank you for that wonderful compliment, that is so kind!! House Beautiful is definitely above my pay grade! Best, Shannon