How To Get White Grout Clean
A few years back, I was exasperated with trying to get my white grout clean! I had used a variety of things that only worked “okay” and I was tired of splashy, liquid bleach. This particular cleanser has bleach and it’s nice and thick, so out of pure desperation, I decided to give it a shot.
Over the weekend, I shared a picture on my facebook page of some slave labor I had employed {wink wink}. My son and nephew were sweet enough to give me a hand scrubbing up the kitchen grout. There are such good helpers and we were done in a flash with all three of us working together.
(it felt a little weird, but it’s not like it had been IN my toilet bowls or anything)
So I applied some to the counter tops, and smoothed it into the grout and let it get busy.
Use the tip and just squeeze it right onto the grout lines!
It worked like a charm.
Without all the mess that the liquid bleach makes. It still takes working it into the grout with a scrub brush on tougher stains, but I am always happy with the results.
I know this isn’t rocket science, and I didn’t invent anything… but if you have white grout, and want it to look white, you might want to give this a try. (I don’t recommend this on anything other then white grout and non porous tiles)
I don’t know about you?
But me, I like my white grout to look, well, white.
My free Cleaning Crew 😉
Next time you clean your toilet,
maybe show your grout some love too!
(Just don’t use the same brush)
Have Fun Cleaning!
This content is original to Fox Hollow Cottage and belongs to Shannon Fox.
Appearance in full on any site other then Fox Hollow Cottage is theft!
I would be super duper happy with your “before” photo. Seriously. I need help over here and will try this tip.
Thanks for sharing that great cleaning tip (I hate to clean so the better results I can get in the shortest amount of time, I like-y that).
Oh how I feel your pain. We’ve got white tile kitchen counters too. Can’t wait to try this.
Oh yes I love that Clorox with bleach….I’ve used it in our bathroom & on our kitchen counter that currently has white grout inside black tiles. It is some awesome stuff!! Plus I love that you had a free crew…seems to make things look even better 🙂
Wow, you and your crew are amazing!! I wish I could read labels like you!! I read “toilet bowl cleaner” and figure that’s it!! Hopefully this post will remind me to think of what _else_ a product can do!!! And I need this stuff for sure!! Regular bleach is my go-to but you are right, it’s too splashy!!! 🙂
Had to pin this one too!
Oooh – I am so trying this! I WISH my grout looked like your before picture! I am getting this stuff ASAP! Thanks for the info!
Love your kitchen and I love what you have your dishes on…great idea…and that chandelier…LOOOVEE IT…
That is a good idea. It does work well on toilet. I wonder how it would work on my tan floor? It is so stained. I’m even ready to try some add I saw on tv for grout paint.
Please don’t ever be quiet! I love your enthusiasm about cleaning grout, actually everything 🙂 I tore out all of my white tiles, but I do have a few toilets! Have great day!
What great tip Shannon! It looks just like new!
Looks great! Using toilet cleaner really is a super idea, just for the ability to squeeze it onto the grout. Geez girl, you’re smart!
Shannon, you never cease to amaze me! Or make me laugh…it looks like brand new again!
Wow that white grout looks amazing! Nice job to you & your crew!
Send some labor my way ;). My bathroom groat needs some hardcore cleaning!!