Happenings At The Hollow #3
Hello and Happy Sunday!
I am happy to report you can stick a fork in our floors, because they are done! But please don’t, because I would cry, since I’d have to kill you… kidding! (but sort of not)
They are beautiful, mostly still covered in cardboard, but done.
We opened up and flattened out the boxes the wood came in and used it to cover and protect the floors while we were in and out in construction mode. Which means, I have been sweeping and vacuuming cardboard floors.
About 6 weeks ago we started with something that looked like this. I was poised to begin painting the entire living are in on our upper floor. I painted ahead as Jim worked, to avoid painting over the new floors.
I started in the sun room. I decided to tale the dark trim. It fought back.
I won in the end though. (with a little help) I’ll tell you later.
Jim was right behind me and the sun room was the first room we completed.
By the time I got here, all the carpet had been removed. As you can see, I had paint samples all over the walls in here, and more in the other rooms as well!
I did share a few tips along the way!
You can click on the picture below to read about them.
This is right now, as I type, what the living room looks like. I’ll be off to tackle that and get back to semi-normal in just a few minutes.
I’m really feeling satisfied though, as we don’t have much more to go, now that the lions share of the work is done. I know Jim was happy to nail that last piece in! We lucked out too I tell ya. Our table saw made the last large cut, then caught fire and died. It lived a long, full life and served us well! Jim had to go old school though and hammer & chisel the last bit to match the profile of the door jam, but he got it done, and beautifully too!
Our next job is to install all the baseboards and transition pieces, as well as re-wrap the fireplace hearth. That beautiful trim work we had was not going to match the elevation of the new baseboards so it had to go. So sad! I’ve got a lot of little touch-ups to do. Getting those boards in around the perimeter is hard work and requires a nail gun and pry bar for a nice fit. The flooring nailer doesn’t work in that situation.
If you want to see some wood floors in completed rooms… well, I can help you there.
These are some of my favorite rooms with wood floors.
I hope mine look something like this soon. I am so eager to see them, and show you!!
PS: I’ll be busy tomorrow, but back on Tuesday for the
Being kicked-off by Kristin at Yellow Bliss Road
(here is a little tease of what she’ll be sharing!)
I. Know. right!?
Oh my gosh. What a gigantic job but so worth it! My dream is to have hard woods on my first floor but I’d have to win the lottery to make it come true! I’ll just enjoy yours. Job well done friend!
Your floors are just beautiful. I can’t imagine living with cardboard floors so long, but I guess I have lived through enough construction projects to know that we do survive.
Carol, the saving grace is that we can ignore while not working, and retreat downstairs. Otherwise, I would be pulling my hair out 🙂 !!!
It’s going to be wonderful when everything is back in place…pictures please when it’s done!
YAY for you guys! I know you are a happy girl to have this all done. It looks amazing and once you get everything put back in order this will all seem so long ago 🙂
Your floor looks nice. I know it takes a mess to make pretty!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
It should be reeeeealy pretty then, because Lord knows, we make a MESS!!!! 😉
The poor saw is worn out! I know you can’t wait to get it all put back together.
You know it girl. That saw has seen us through a lot of projects. About 10 years worth!
Shannon, your floors rock….and “bowing head in respect” so sorry to hear about the demise of your table saw. Just wondering if I should cover my hand saws in black or something….hmmm ~ yet more to ponder.
I can’t wait to see everything when it’s all together ~ your sense of style is something I love! {Can you and Jim fly out here and help me??? please!!!}
Mary Beth
Oh, congratulations on getting the big part done! So much work but will be so worth it!!! I can’t wait to see all you do!! Have a great day!~~Angela
Oh wow, congratulations!!!! I so want to put hardwood in my living and family rooms, so I am studying what everyone is doing. Yours is going to be fabulous. Hugs, Marty
Thanks so much! I sure can’t wait. We worked on the baseboards today, and actually didn’t get anything really moved. Still, moving forward though (:
I simply hate that part of remodeling when everything is piled everywhere – just feels so hopeless. But, only for a little while. You’ll have it all put back together in no time! Bet it is going to look amazing!!!
I know. That is the stinky part. I’ve been fine with it. Only now, when we aresoclose is it hard!!