I’m goin’ back to Cali, Cali, Cali…
Well, technically, I’ll be limping back to Cali 😉
My knee is still… whatever!?
But I’m off to California tomorrow.
I promise to go to the doctor when I get back
if I have not had any improvement.
Really, I promise!
My hubby got my a super {huge} sturdy
knee brace and that is helping.
So, I will be hobbling my butt through
the San Fran airport and then into LAX.
I will get to see my mom & dad for the first time in two years. I talk to my mom all the time, so it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long… but it has!
I just saw my sister in February when we took
We had a really great time.
My sister (thanks Nicole!) pulled some strings
and got me an appointment with her hairdresser, so I will be
getting a new do while I am there.
I am really looking forward to it!!
(I’ll have to wait until I get home to blond again, but it’s a start)
I didn’t realize how long my hair was.
My stylist and I decided to leave the extra length so I could donate again sooner, while still having 12 inches to give at the time.
I don’t have much of an actual “style”.
My hair hasn’t really looked too hot
since I got it cut!
So… I’ll be getting a
I’ll be picking one of the styles
we all originally weighed in on.
Plus, I found a new one to add to the contenders.
This looks fun for Summer!
And I like the color too.
I’ll be getting a pedi while I’m there too!
Although… it will look more like this 😉
Other then that…
I think we will be keeping it pretty low key,
thanks to “the knee”.
I imagine we will manage to get in a little retail therapy…
I am SURE that will cure what ails me.
(and, if I went to the doctor, I am sure it would
have been included in his orders)
My sister is 5 minutes from
A fabulous, open-air shopping center,
with cobble stone walk ways and
every store you can imagine!
They have a giant
out at Victoria Gardens and I’m
on the hunt for a replacement for my
discontinued… so… sad…
I bought two off ebay as soon as I heard,
but sadly, I need to move on
and find something new to replace it.
(if you know of anything? I would be thrilled to hear about it)
I use a smash up of skin care!
I blame it on being a counter manager at Macy’s for several years and using everything from
Chanel to Clinique.
But I not a snob, I’ll use anything if I love it.
I think we will skip going down into LA to shop.
Which is too bad.
Because it’s really fun!!
I grabbed two new books.
So I am set for the fight.
I kind of read fast, which is sort of not good.
Because I burn through books,
and lots of times, the story is really good
and I want it to last longer.
I don’t plan to blog while I am gone
so I’ll catch up with everyone when I get back!
Enjoy the lovely Summer days.
PS~I sent Mrs. Debbie McFresh a little something
and she is sharing it tomorrow at
if you want to pop over for a visit!
This content is original to Fox Hollow Cottage and belongs to Shannon Fox.
Appearance in full on any site other then Fox Hollow Cottage is theft!
Appearance in full on any site other then Fox Hollow Cottage is theft!
I hope you have a great time on your trip! Great blog! Following you now! 🙂
I hope you’re having a great time, Shannon! You deserve it! Looking forward to hearing all about it!
So sorry your knee is still hurting! But have a fabulous time!! Can’t wait to see your new “do”!!! Enjoy yourself and just do lots of relaxing, (of course mixed with some shopping…..)
Hope you have a terrific time with your family and take care on that knee! Have a safe trip! 🙂
Cal-i-Forn..I-A sounds wonderful Love the West Coast!!! Have a ball and sorry about your little knee. =/
Sorry about that bum knee, but I hope you have a blast anyway! That “photo” of you in the airport is hilarious. 🙂
Wait a minute…where have I been? I didn’t know you were going and I didn’t know you had a bum knee! Must be we haven’t chatted in a bit.
Well, I missed the parting wishes…but I hope you had a good flight & I know you must be having a wonderful time. Enjoy!
You have a fabulous time my dear Friend!
Poor thing! Take care of your knee and have a great time!
See you later alligator.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
This is a great time to be in Cali! Have fun and do lots of retail therapy and I bet that knee will heal itself! Have fun with your family!
Sigh haven’t been back to Cali in a long time…have major knee problems too, can relate. Have FUN!