My Bathroom Before
We started out by removing everything from the bathroom and wiping down all the walls, baseboards and surfaces. I like to start with everything super clean. Nothing like getting lint or hair in your fresh paint, a good pre-cleaning is how to avoid that problem.
There is my mom now 🙂
Mwah. Hi mom!
I laid out my painting supplies, all ready to go from cottage green to ??? I’m not 100% sure, but it’s very Rain Washed/Sea Salty shade. That bright orange sticker on my Benjamin Moore Natura Paint is the $2 tag. I scored it at Habitat For Humanity. It retails for $43 a gallon.
Loved the paint, it went on creamy as heck. Covered really well and dried fast. It was a dream to work with. I would totally recommend it. Mine is the eggshell finish.
New paint was just a small part of my plan… Which brings me to the biggest change our bathroom will be seeing!
This is my light-bulb moment – my “inspiration”
You’ve seen the bathroom.
Meet the mantel…
Excuse the decor… we were moving and I threw something up there, just to take an un-naked photo! This is the mantel, as it sat in our last house. It’s been in storage.
So, I had Austin and Jim exhume the mantel from exile and today it’s going to get some much needed “spa time”. Poor baby. It’s far too fabulous (in my eyes!) to be cast aside and stored away gathering dust.
And 5 daddy long leg spiders. Not even kidding!
Even if I have to find an unconventional way to use it. I don’t care. I just want to be able to enjoy it again… and I am not ready to give it up. After 8 years, it’s finally moving back in. As it should!!
Can not wait to share. I am really excited about this. It’s different. And I like that! Sort of like our crazy wood fence board countertop.
Now, this could be done six days from now… or 6 months from now.
You never know with me.
pam {simple details} says
How much fin is this going to be!! Love your inspiration photo, and that mantel is perfect! Can’t wait to see how you pull it all together!
Laura Beth Gunter says
You bathroom is going to be amazing! I have NO doubt…I love adding the mantle!
keri @ shaken together says
That mantle is gorgeous and I can’t wait to see your bathroom in all of its Fox Hollow glory!
Eclectically Vintage says
Dust off those daddy long legs and get that thing back where she deserves to be!
chateau chic says
Love the mantel! Can’t wait to see how it’s used in your bathroom. I’m staying tuned.
Mary Alice
Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says
Wow, it sounds like you are doing a total decorative overhaul in this bathroom, Shannon! Can’t wait to see it!
Debbiedoo's says
That mantel rocks Shannon! and you know I love rocks. Seriously, it is a beauty! I can’t wait until the bathroom is done.
Kim @ Savvy Southern Style says
Love the ceiling.
Becca says
Okay … please tell me that awesome mantel hasn’t been hiding somewhere?! If so, I’m sure it’s singing loudly that you’re bringing it back into your decor. And, it’s going to look fabulous in your bathroom … hurry and finish please! 🙂
Laura @ Our Prairie Home says
Woo-Hoo on bathrood re-do’s! Cannot wait to see the after! And that mantle… Girl! You’ve been storing that?! Do I need to come out there and spank you? LOL! Can’t wait to see how you use it! I just know it’s going to be fabulous!!!!!!
Pam - @diy Design Fanatic says
Your bedroom is going to look great Shannon. I bet you can’t wait to get it done and I can’t wait to see it!
ℳartina @ Northern Nesting says
Oh my gosh I can’t wait to see this all put together Shannon, I know it going to look fabulous!!
Serendipity Refined says
Oh my gosh how FUN! I can’t wait to see what you do! I wish that I had a bathroom large enough to have a mantel in it…or a “spare” mantel hanging around…you have the coolest stuff. Say hi to your mom for me! xo 🙂
Gee Singh Newbanks says
Hahahhaha… What a tease! I was scrolling down so fats barely ready and …..
Now I wait. Hooray for Mom’s that want to help!
I know it will be beautiful Shannon.
Psssttt.. I too get bored with things really fast. Glad to know I am in great company!
Hugs, Gee
Kirby Dunton Carespodi says
“exhume the mantel”–I love that! It makes me want to go home and start exhuming some of the stuff in my basement! (It’s gonna look great, I can tell.)