Word Of The Year 2013: Looking Back
Picking a word of the year for me feels a lot like making a resolution.
And I don’t do well with those.
Last year, I saw everyone around blog land choosing these fabulous words and they all seemed so perfectly picked. So smart, polished deep and reflective. So I thought; “Well I need a word of the year too!” and I gave it a try.
Yeah.. no. It was not happening.
Then I stopped. And I thought; “Have I ever picked a word of the year before”? Nope. So I took the stress off and just went with the F word. It’s never failed me before.
Well F “words” to be more precise.
It was perfect. For me.
Reading the words I selected and looking back, I’m glad of each one.
FOXY – a slightly psychic choice, consider the mega success of What Does The Fox Say? I wish!
FLOORING – We got new wood floors. Which was a real wishlist sort of thing. I never expected going into the new year, we would have a Summer project of installed hardwood floors before us. I might try adding something like this again. What’s the worst thing that could happen?
FUN – I tried to have a little more last year. I’ll be doubling down on that one in 2014!!
FEARLESS – I tried to be less fearful of old health problems rearing their head.
FORWARD – In keeping with the above, I stroove for forward focus instead of looking back.
FINDS – Jim and I did a good share of treasuring hunting and found some wonderful finds! Like my big, fat haul of super vintage aqua blue Ball Mason jars. What a great day that was.
FURNITURE – I did several furniture makeovers, making our space more unique and personalized for very little money!
FIXTURES – I did get one new light fixture over the course of the year. The rest will come. The hunt is half the fun anyhow. Honestly, I’m not even sure what I want and I don’t do well with rushed choices.
FRUGALNESS – Yes, I made it up by adding ness to the end of frugal. It works though right? Good! I dug deep and did even more projects and decorating using what I already had, thrift store finds, junky stuff and hand me downs than ever before. I also told myself no, and made due without buying new on many occasions which allowed special splurges on really meaningful items instead.
FRESH – I tried to make the flat fresh again by repainting, restyling, rethinking or relocating things I already owned. This was a thread throughout many things last year and sort of meshed with frugalness. I’ve sort of always done this, but I really challenged myself to stretch this year.
FAMILY FIRST – I promised myself that above all else, I would put the needs of my family first. I would listen better, step away from my work, make time and spend energy on my family. Yes I love to decorate and fluff and move things about and play with my home decor and such… but more than anything else, they are what matters the very most.
I’ve been thinking on a new word for this year but so far no luck. I figure I’ve got time, so I decided not to rush.
I think I’ve got it narrowed down to the letter “C” though.
Yeah. The C word is going to fit just right I think.
CHEERS to 2014!!!
(look at that, see? a natural fit already!)
Love and Hugs as we close out this year!!!!!
I love all those F words Shannon- I think mine needs to be FOCUS since I keep hopping around from project to project and room to room and not making decisions or finishing things up. Ahh! And FOCUS so that I am focused and present rather then distracted and planning… I love your last f word about family. Cheers to you for 2014!
I have been a “New Year’s Word” person now for several years! So much better than resolution for me! My word – EXTRAORDINARY! This year is the year to step out of the ordinary! We’ll see where this take me 🙂 Life to the full! {My words from 2010} Melissa
Cheers to you as well. Happy New Year Shannon.
Cheers 😉