Favorite Cleaning Tips and Organizing Projects
Now, I know I’m not a “cleaning blog” but that’s not because I don’t clean. I actually love to clean. Because I love living in a clean and organized home. It’s so much more relaxing and it runs better too. Today I’m sharing some of my favorite cleaning tips and some organizing projects too. It might not always be fun, but those cleaning and organizing is a necessary evil to keep chaos at bay in our homes. Keep reading and let’s see if we can make our homes run better, together!
I’ve touched on the fact before, that when things feel out of whack, cleaning and organizing grounds me. There is a satisfyingly calm to the order of it. My favorite part of cleaning is vacuuming. I know a lot of people feel the same way, and I think it’s because there is a wonderful gratification as you go! Plus, I love having barefoot-friendly clean floors. And when I get to snuggle into my big chair at the end of the night, light a candle, kick up my feet and watch a little guilty pleasure tv, it’s nice knowing the house is spotless and everything is in it’s place! That is a zen moment. One I can completely relax in!
My mom taught me how to clean and we always cleaned high-to-low. Is that how you were taught? I still do it today and I feel like it just makes sense.
PRE CLEANING: In any room, always pick-up and generally de-clutter first. You can not properly clean around a mess.
Start at the top: clean the lights fixtures and take care of any cobwebs in the corners
Wipe down all wall art and mirrors
Vacuum or launder draperies, curtain panels blinds, shutters, etc…
Dust surfaces
Polish wood furniture
SOFT FURNISHINGS: Vacuum soft furnishings like sofas, chair, ottomans, etc… even mattresses!
Launder slip covers if applicable
Vacuum and/or clean rugs
Clean baseboards
Clean floors
For some this is a whole house in one day project: clean windows, window tracks and screens – while some will do one room at a time.
I grew up hearing The Doors, The Beach Boys, Barbara Streisand, Neil Diamond, Elvis, Cher & more. I often got to put the next record on when mom and I were on a weekend cleaning spree. The speakers carried the music all through the house.
Below are some of my favorite “basic” cleaning tips. For the job in general. They help me stay on task and power through a room. I get in trouble when I throw in re-decorating with the cleaning and could use this reminder myself some day.
Clean, purge and organize first, then you get to re-decorate. Words to live by. hahaha
Speaking of motivation… along with the music, and keeping your tasks focused… why not get your cleaning mojo going?
Treat yourself to a new candle to burn while cleaning.
Buy or borrow some fresh tunes to listen too.
Have lunch delivered-in to keep your energy up.
Use great smelling cleaning products!
And while you’ve at it, treat yourself for a job well done! Goals are nice if there are prizes at the end.
Shopping, lunch or seeing a movie.
A massage. (I like this idea)
A new decor item you’ve had your eye on.
A manicure for those hard-working hands.
Fresh flowers for your clean house!
If you are like me, and I think many of you are, if the kitchen is clean than the house feels clean. Or at least liveable/managable.
(extra) Kitchen CLEANING TIPS
Here are a few things (besides the basics) to remember when cleaning the Kitchen.
Like the rest of the house, clean those light fixtures.
Clean your dishwasher.
Clean your garbage disposal. (Ice and citrus fruit slices work well!)
Clean the trash can and/or trash compactor if you have one.
When I mentioned the cook-top, don’t forget the range hood!
Also, when I say “clean the fridge” make sure to clean and/or vacuum the coils.
If you have one, check your ice-maker hose connection while you are at it.
And if you have a wine fridge, clean that too.
I went natural with my cleaning products a few years back and I’ve fully embraced it. For everything but getting my grout white. If you have a better tip, I’d love to hear. I’ve even tried a steamer and it did zip. So far the most effective thing I’ve found to get my grout white is this method here. And I hate having to do it this way! So please, share your secret.
Spray bottles are great multi-use items!
Super for:
Misting thirsty plants.
Misting your clothes while ironing.
Holding wrinkle releaser.
Holding yummy room sprays.
Holding linen sprays.
Squirting naughty kitties with water. (doesn’t hurt them, but it works wonders for training!)
My biggest secret? I don’t do all my deep cleaning in the Spring.
I’m such a rebel. I actually cycle through and deep-clean year round. It’s much more manageable and I do it as necessary. That way, I’m never doing all my deep cleaning for the entire house at once and nothing gets really out of hand between cleaning.
I also purge & organize throughout the year. I make messes and bring new things into the house year-round, so it just makes sense to stay on top of this task as well. And surprisingly, once I organize a space, it stays pretty tidy! With the exception of our downstairs entry. That is constantly in flux. (that is code for = full of crap that is coming & going)
These are some of my favorite organizing projects:
Budget Friendly Closet Organization [click here]
Zero Budget Linen Closet Makeover [click here]
Jewelry & Accessory Organization [click here]
Those flowers are stunning! Doesn’t it make you feel special to receive “surprise” flowers? I love Mrs Meyer’s products! You are welcome to come and clean here anytime! 🙂 I love for things to be clean and tidy but I hate to dust! I’d rather do anything than dust.
Thanks for sharing!
I’ll be right there 😉
I hear you, my least favorite is dishes. I’ll scrub toilets first.
I love to vacuum. Clean floors and my favorite.
And yes, when I don’t get flowers. I grab them at the market, it’s become my little splurge.
I don’t splurge much, and I feel like the enjoyment it worth it!!
I love seeing your posts in my “in” box! You’re so “real”… the battle with clutter & cleaning is always on going!! Thanks for letting us all know we’re not alone!! 😉
Thank you. Really. I always hope I sound real when I talk with you. I sooo am.
Cleaning never stops. That is for sure. We all have to do it.
(I guess unless you have a maid?) Or is that “housekeeper”? Domestic help?
Anyhow, I do it all! lol.
I am a domestic housekeeping maid. lol