Pop, Fizz, Clink! Easy New Year’s Eve Ideas This time of year can get so hectic with Christmas sliding right into the New Year, and for us, my birthday hot on it’s heels! And this year, I’ll be flying off to California shortly after so it’s rush-rush-rush to get everything done. New Year parties have…
Top 15 DIY, Craft and Home Decorating Projects of 2015
Top 15 DIY, Craft and Home Decorating Projects of 2015 Okay guys, before I even start in on this one… I promise to build a time-machine in 2016. hahaha Or at least a “time slower downer machine“. Because where in the h e l l-o did 2015 go? I want a do-over. I’m so…
My DIY Dreams and Goals for 2015
My DIY Dreams and Goals for 2015 It’s that time of year again… time to take stock in what we accomplished in 2014, and pull up our socks preparing to dig-in to 2015! I’m happy to report that I’ve already ticked one project off my to-do list. Or as we say at Fox Hollow, it’s…