Are you ready for a new year? I am! Last year was pretty dang awesome and I am ready for more in 2014! I’m excited for new adventures, new projects and learning new things! Mixed Metals New Year’s Eve Mantel Decorating Ideas New Year’s Eve at Fox Hollow is all about TWO THINGS this…
BOO Printable Halloween Clipboard Art Decoration
BOO Printable Halloween Clipboard Art Decoration Hi there! I’m sharing a super cheap & easy Halloween decoration with you today. I don’t know about you? But I’ve been busy. So busy, in fact, that I don’t even have a proper Halloween mantle up. What a fraud of a blogger I am. hehe. Now you know the…
Make A No Sew Fabric Pumpkin
Make A No Sew Fabric Pumpkin Guess what! I am going to show you how to make a no sew fabric pumpkin. Say what? Yep. So true. I was messing around yesterday, trying to get my mojo in motion and thought I’d try my hand at fabric pumpkins. This is what I came up with, after…