Why I’ll Never Check Out Another Library Book As Long As I Live
Sound dramatic?
I’m a wee bit fired up. (translation = mad as hell-o)
Right now, in this very moment… I am equal parts heartbroken and livid, at the same time.
I am a longtime book lover and library user. I’ve loved reading for as long as I can remember. Reading is a luxury and an indulgence for me. A treat, a reward.. even an escape of sorts, I love the pure letting-go as I clear my mind and live however monetarily, within the pages.
I’ll read just about anything and my appetite is voracious once I turn the first page, often reading a book in one sitting even if that means staying up until the wee hours. Book hangover be damned. Closing it before I find out “what happens”, to me, is like turning off a movie before it’s over.
Several weeks ago, while in the market, I picked up The Maze Runner. This was a splurge, as I usually get all my books from the library. When you read them in one sitting, the habit gets very expensive. I started borrowing instead of buying many years ago. Out of curiosity, I tallied up the MSRP over the course of a calendar year once, and what I had checked out was almost the equivalent of our property tax payment.
Anyhow, after I read The Maze Runner, I put in a request for the next book in the series. My local branch didn’t have it but they put in a request to get it from a neighboring library. When I called to find out if it was in, I was told I had a damaged book fee, from a title I had checked out and returned months before.
What? There must be some mistake. I know I didn’t damage a book that was in my care. And I’m thinking; “What kind of damage are we talking about, and why wasn’t I notified?”
I read quietly, mostly in bed. I don’t eat or drink when I read. I don’t read in the tub. My books stay right here, in my home.
I do not damage books.
I do not dog-ear pages.
I treat books with reverence.
I was told that usually they call or a letter is mailed immediately, and that they didn’t know what happened or why I wasn’t notified. (well then, I don’t know what happened to your book!) The thing is, this was weeks and weeks and weeks after I turned it in. How do I know what happened to it after that?! I sure as hell(o) know that I did not damage a book!
Well.. I could swear that up one side and down the other and it really doesn’t mater. As far as they are concerned, I’m guilty. I went in to discuss it today. In an calm, adult manner. While I stuck to this plan, it didn’t get me far, because the woman I dealt with had the warmth and charm of a stone. Her facial expression was as dead as her eyes. My good standing, and never having damaged a book, as well as not being notified and it being a substantial amount of time between me returning the book and this damage being reported, (after I investigated!) did me no good. My questions and comments were met with silence. I was basically having a conversation with myself.
Knowing that I had no recourse… how was I going to prove I did not do it? I couldn’t, and I’m not going to be getting into a battle with the damn library, over $27.00 and I also wanted to avoid being sent to collections over something so trivial, I told her I’d pay the fee. Oh by the way… cash or check only. No debit or credit cards accepted. On a side-note, could we possibly move into THIS century? Thankfully, I had just enough cash on me so that I wouldn’t have to go back. (returning would not be a good idea, because my patience and temper were just holding as it was)
I could feel the tears welling up and my voice crack when I slid her my library card and let her know I would no longer need it, as I’d never be checking out another book again. Not that she could give two figs… we are talking about stone-face lady here. How could I check out library materials after this? My sense of security in knowing I could borrow and return a book was completely shattered. Gone. Would my next returned book be called damaged? What if I got a book and it was “damaged” and I didn’t notice until I got it home? Would I need to check every single page for a mar, mark, stain or tear before I accepted it?
The whole experience is just ruined for me. An experience I loved. Getting a new book was something I really, really looked forward to. Reading was a gift I allowed myself. Something just for me.
I am heartbroken.
This might sound silly to you, but I’m terribly upset and I feel like my character, and my responsible nature received a bad mark over this mater. It’s hard… I’m strong and I’m feisty, and there is a part of me that wants to fight! A lot.
I’m sensitive too though. I’ve touched on this before… but I fought my fight when I had cancer and I just simply do not want to battle over crap like this. Especially when I know there is really nothing that is going to be done. It’s a he-said she-said, and I’m only one person. As it is, this will bother me for a long time. I hope sharing this will help me let it go, by being vocal and venting.
Has anything like this happened to you and made you feel so… upset and vulnerable? I hope not!
Love & hugs, Shannon
PS: Oh, and this is the “damage”.
( insert big finger wave here – that was sure as heck not done my ME. )
The last four pages are very, very slightly rippled in a small spot, from something liquid. Two of which, have no text on them!! For all I know, it was damaged IN the book depository after I put it in the slot to return it. The books are slipped into a large slot and all piled up in a huge bin, and it rains here so much. The probability of something getting thrown into the slot in its location, or wet books being returned, and piled on top of books being returned in perfect condition, is highly probable. Honestly, the book was more than likely like this, when I got it!! I wouldn’t have given it a second thought.
Of course, I was delightfully and oh so condescendingly told, “we don’t loan materials in this condition“. Well yeah… ya do. Probably. lol. Right about now is when I wish I had a time machine. I’d love to know the story on this one.
*Note to self. DIY a time machine. Why haven’t I done that already anyhow?
Some people really should not work with the public! And seriously? Tell me this book was the worst “damage” she’d ever seen? You’d think it was… well, I’m not going to elaborate, but I’m sure there are a million worse scenarios of book damage.
UPDATE: as of January 2021 I have not stepped foot in, nor borrowed any materials from a library. And that’s really a sad thing…
UPDATE, on the update (haha): It’s now January 2023, and still holding strong. I buy real books on occasion, but I read on my kindle 99% of the time. Found out you can “check out” digital materials (e-books and audio books) through the library and other sites, and briefly considered getting a card at the town over, but ultimately decided to continue as-is. The bad experience still lingers. So sad.
Praise God that you have shared your experience as it has happened to me! I no longer go to the Library either. I have not in years. Life is too short, so when I want a book I buy it, Abebooks.com is where I get mine, Cheap!
I’m sorry you know how it feels! Thank you for the Abebooks.com tip. I’m appreciative.
Wow what a story! I’ve borrowed books that was in much worse condition than that! They clearly tried to make up for other loss through you. That’s so sad. I feel your pain.
As have I. I’ve seen pages where people were clearly eating while reading!
So sorry to hear of your experience. Make me think twice about checking out another book or magazine. I think I will now return in person and watch/wait until check in is complete.
Thank you for sharing.
It’s so sad though, that you will feel forced to do that. Monitor it all… check it before leaving with it, then make sure it’s returned properly and you are clear. Sheesh.
I hope by this time, you have been able to calm yourself about this unfortunate happening.
I would report this librarian to the powers that be. I feel certain that you were not the first that this librarian was
a jerk to! If there are enough complaints, she will be forced to change her attitude to patrons or lose her job.
NO boss in the world wants that sort of person being the face of a business…..so dial that phone, write that letter!
Don’t give up on all libraries……there are so many wonderful ones out there!
We do have another, a short ride across to the next town.
I am feeling burned though, and not comfortable checking out “library materials” at this time.
I do need to report it though, you are right.
I would have given “Nurse Rachet” (the librarian) a good piece of my mind. But, before you give up the library I would definitely speak with the head honcho and report the nasty librarian. We know you didn’t damage the damn book (not that the damage is even noticeable). Sounds to me like Nurse Rachet needs a replacement! Remember, the powers that be don’t know about this incident unless you bring it to their attention. You shouldn’t have to leave the library, “SHE” should! Hang in there pussy cat, we love you:)
Very true.
I think a letter might be a good idea.
I can refrain from losing my temper in writing. lol
Oh Shannon…I shouldn’t have read this at school. I am SO SORRY! I will comment more on this later.
hahaha Kirby! Luv ya girl!! xo
I’m so sorry you had such an experience. I think you should go back and talk with the manager also. The librarian’s rudeness is her personal problem and I don’t think you should allow her problem to ruin years and years of your personal enjoyment.. Ask the head manager to think about the library’s mission statement. It is there for the community and is supposed to be helpful. Wishing you all the best.
I might. Because I know that was not okay.
Makes me wonder who else they have done this too?
Not notice something, and blame the next person.
Just had to leave at the time. I have a bit of a temper and I didn’t want to make a scene (it wasn’t going to get me anywhere) lol.
I’m sorry this happened to you. I’ve had a s8milar experience with the library over a book I know was written in when my daughter checked it out. We didn’t think anything of it, she read the book but when it was returned they accused us of being the ones that wrote in it. Nothing would convince her different no matter what I said! So I paid the $22 and very rarely check anything out now. Instead we go to Half Price Books and buy them or download them onto the IPad. Take care you can’t change ugly, ignorant folks but you can avoid them.
I’m sorry to read of your unfortunate encounter.
That is exactly what I’m afraid of now.. getting something previously damaged.
To get the blame when it’s returned, because they missed it, that is not something I care to deal with again.
Thanks for sharing!! hugs, Shannon
What a terrible experience. I feel so bad for you. I don’t understand why people have to be so hateful. Maybe it makes them feel powerful. Breathe in, breathe out, move on. Check on getting a kindle nd borrow books that way. Most libraries have that option. And you’re the better person in the end 🙂
I really did not want to get “into” it with her. So I did move on 😉 Thank you!
Ugh…I understand your frustration. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty???
I am right beside you with the love of reading and of the library. Love the fast number of books and the solitude. I have, however, found a wonderful website where you can purchase used and new books at a great discount. It’s thriftbooks.com. Before Christmas, I ordered 5 novels and snagged them for $17.00. Some of them are from libraries! They have a vast array of books covering all types of subjects. You will enjoy checking them out. :-)) (PS: I, in no way, are affiliated with them. Just love their site and am sharing.)
Be Blessed!
THANK YOU for the great tip!!!!
I feel your pain…..I too LOVE, LOVE my books. I cannot bring myself to go “high tech” when it comes to reading a book. My blood pressure drops when I pick up a book and sink into my favourite chair. I love finding that book…..especially at Value Village. I stopped borrowing from the library years ago….always felt pressured to get the book read before the due date- that alone raises your blood pressure!
I have found a used book store which gives me a credit when I bring in my read books. It is a win win situation, so there are other solutions to using the library. Good luck!
I never wanted a reader of any kind. I might rethink that. We’ll see?
I will start checking discount stores though. I’ve picked books up here and there at tag sales, and had good luck with random titles.
It’s when you want something specific the library was handy.
I am like you…an avid reader……I buy all my books. Never go to the library. They all seem to be “rude.” My daughter & I share books too. That makes it easier on the pocketbooks. Sorry you had this bad experience.
Nice that you have someone to share with Linda (:
I had a similar experience with the library here, so I know exactly how you feel. Exactly. We had recently moved to this city (my sister lives here and raved about the library). We are now retired and on fixed incomes–and I too am a voracious reader and always have been. I cannot afford to buy new books at the rate I read them. However, I was told by this library that I had several books weeks overdue and owed a big fine. Weeks! No way. I went in and I myself found 2 of them on the shelf right then. Later, they found the other 2 and apologized (“someone” had not scanned them in when I returned them), but for me (like you) my library experience was ruined forever. If it happened once, it could happen again. I have not checked out anything since then–over a year ago. And I won’t ever again. I now get my books at thrift and Goodwill stores around town. I’m amazed at what I find there, and how inexpensive they are—often 50 cents or less per book. So that’s how I keep myself in reading material now. Friends and neighbors here are amazed at my library experience, since they have never had that happen to them with this same library. But, like for you, it ended the good library feeling for me forever.
I’m sorry that happened to you! And to go find them, on the shelf? Sheesh. I think I’ll start browsing the thrift stores, I often didn’t because I wanted newer books or book 2, 3, 4 etc.. in a series. I’ll just adjust. I may go in and speak to someone later.. much later. I know I’m still to upset. I’ll either yell, or cry. lol. I still love books though 🙂
When my youngest child was 2 we borrowed a kids DVD from the library. He took it out of the case and moved it across the floor…it got scratched. I ran to Walmart to purchase a replacement for less than $10. When I took it to the library I gave it to the librarian in its cellophane wrapped case. She told me that she could not take it, she had to order it from a special catalog and promptly charged me $29 (for the less than $10. DVD)! I do not visit that library any more!
See. Now that is ridiculous. Library policy or no.. just ridiculous.
You put the new DVD in the package. Done. Common sense.
I am so sorry that happened to you!! Just silly.
That is so rediculous of the library. Listen, it is worth one more trip back to speak to the head. Not to get your $$ back, although you should, but to let them know it is redic! That book is not ruined for one thing and for another, I have lost books and got them on Amazon for 2.00 and the library took that as replacement. That library person was rude and you need to let the head know. I go to the friends of the library and buy books for fifty cents, then no worries. It’s too bad and I think it will work out! Xoxo
I think I need to write a letter. I don’t see going back in. My temper might not stay in check.
The reason I paid, was that I didn’t want to jump through hoops to have them accept a replacement book/or step foot back in.
Thanks for you feedback and idea.
So sorry to hear this. I think what I would have done was asked to speak to a person higher up. If that didn’t work then I guess I would have had to pay BUT, the next time I checked out any books I would stand there in front of THAT librarian and go PAGE BY PAGE of each book and have her note any problems with the page. Let the line form behind me! She would then see how ridiculous she was being! Time for her to retire – to Russia with Love!
Love reading your blog!
I will follow up on this at some point. I’m still a bit hot if I think about it 😉
On the check out, that is just what I am not prepared to go through.. to check out a book. Pleasure stealer for sure! lol