DIY Whale Silhouette Coastal Pallet Art
I had a Whale of a time working on my latest project.
Too easy?
I know I’m a cheese-ball, but I couldn’t resist.
Who knew I liked Whales so much?
Certainly not me.
When I got my new Whale book-ends, I didn’t know I was going to fall so hard.
But holy-heck they are SO flipping cute and I super totally love them!!!!
I was poking around the other day and I saw these Whale silhouettes and I instantly knew I wanted to make one for myself.
The problem with making my own, is that I don’t have right saw to make the cuts.
What I did have was an abundance of pallets. And paint. So I decided to try and paint one free-hand.
What could it hurt?
I grabbed a pallet Jim and I had torn apart and made a wood “canvas” out of and my Maison White to white-wash it.
My mom and I took it outside and dry brushed it real quick, nothing fancy or particular.
We were busy with other things, so I set it aside to dry.
Later that evening when I got bored after dinner, I did a light chalk outline on the pallet as a dry-run.
I thought it looked okay so I filled it in with Riviera. One of the prettiest aqua shades I’ve ever seen.
I took a long break from aqua because it got so very popular.. but I missed it. I’d have to say that color affair began back in Jr. High. Gosh, Jim and I even had aqua as one of our wedding colors! It’s such a natural fit for our home. Living here on the coast, so close to the ocean… I’ve decided to embrace it again. (even if it’s just a Summer fling)
Meet Humphrey.
Humphrey started out on the mantel… and then traveled down to the hearth. He works wonders covering up the firebox for the season so I think he found his home.
My mom sprinkled some shells on the hearth and added an old insulator and we called it d-o-n-e.
I especially love this old abalone shell. My grandma had one just like this in her living room for as long as I can remember. My cousin has it now, as well as a giant conch shell that was hers. It’s funny the things that hold meaning and become treasures.
Now I just need to figure out what I’m going to do with the mantel… ?
I’ll save that for another day though.
It can wait.
Happy Summer!!
I love your whale art Shannon! I shared him on FB, so fun, I want one!
Thank you Amanda! I know I’m going to make more… I could hardly decide on the color. lol~ Thanks for the share :)))
Love it! I need a cover for my firebox! What a pretty solution!
Your pallet whale art is so adorable Shannon! you did a great job free hand. Better than I could ever do LOL!
I did cheat and draw the outline with chalk first 😉 hahaha
I have the same bookends! ! 🙂 Love your sign.
Oh you do!? I got mine from a city wide garage sale!
Love, love, love Humphrey!! I have a thing for whales, and want to stitch some up in ticking fabric. Just have to create or find a cute pattern!! Thanks for sharing!!
Have a great week!
My mom and I are doing pillows next!
Hope to get them done before she leaves…
Would love to see yours if you make them.
Adorable whale! Loved that you named him!
Hi Michelle!
Thanks. We were having fun.
I love his name.
I still have to pick one for the book ends…
Super cute, the whale is perfect 🙂 Pinning
I love Humphrey! He’s perfect to go with your awesome bookends. My grandmother also had an abalone shell that I inherited. Mine is in my living room now as part of a shell vignette on a dresser. She used hers for flower arrangements for garden club competitions.
Aw. That is neat. Thanks for sharing your shell story with me :))) Grandmas are the BEST
Shannon I’ve been making a lot of those pallets lately with sayings on them… I love your whale, it is perfect!!
Super cute, Shannon!
Love it! Great idea!
So cute! I love it!!
Thanks Linda.
I sorta {heart} him 😉
i LOVE Humphrey…He is a doll!
I think You are a DOLL :)))