Painted Vinyl Linoleum Floor Makeovers Ideas
I’ve been scouring the net searching for all the top painted vinyl & linoleum floor project makeover ideas! I’m gathering tips and seeing what best advice is being shared, what products are recommended and helpful technique tips. I figure if I’m going to make more work for myself, and paint the floor in The Little Cottage bathroom… I may as well get it right the first time! You can catch up on the project Here (live video tour) & Here (the finished project) if you like.
Here are some of my favorite “afters” and articles with lots of info if you are thinking of doing a DIY painted floor! These are going to focus on linoleum painted floors, since that is my plan, and what I was researching. There are some amaze-balls painted tile & wood floor projects out there too. If you are looking for those, just google it! So many people out there are sharing their first hand experiences with projects. Isn’t that a wonderful thing?
Okay, let’s take a look at my Painted Vinyl Linoleum Floor Makeover Idea picks now!
- If you follow me on Facebook, you probably saw this one. Talk about wow. This entire makeover was so inspiring!! Becky from The Other Side Of Neutral shared what you can do on a budget, of less than $500.
Modern Farmhouse Bathroom Makeover with Painted Floor
- Sarah at 1915 House painted her linoleum kitchen floors with grey & white stripes, and she shared a great tutorial. Click on the photo or the link below to visit her blog and read her post. Please PIN from her site if you like the project.
How to Paint Old Kitchen Linoleum Floors by 1915 House
- Kalya at Plum Pretty Decor & Design painted her bathroom linoleum to look like the super on-trend cement tiles! I love this look so much, though my “tile” squares are much too large to try this, since my flooring is a faux stone with a different grid stamped into it. Drat. Click on the photo or the link below to visit her blog and read her post. Please PIN from her site if you like the project.
DIY Painted Cement Tile Linoleum Floor by Plum Pretty Decor And Design
- Royal Design Studio shared a beautifully stenciled painted floor! The Lisboa tile stencil design is really delicate. Click on the photo or the link below to visit the site and read the post. Please PIN from the site if you like the project.
- I wasn’t intentionally looking for only grey colored painted floors, but they seemed to be the norm. This room has aqua walls, so it’s much more colorful looking! Click on the photo or the link below to visit her blog and read her post. Please PIN from her site if you like the project.
Geometric Painted Floor Makeover at Brown Acres
- Cutting Edge Stencil Design Painted Kitchen Floor Makeover with the Abbey Tile Stencil. Click on the photo or the link below to visit the site and read the post. Please PIN from the site if you like the project.
Stenciled Tile Kitchen Floor Makeover with Cutting Edge Stencils
- I found color! This project featured on Apartment Therapy has a whimsical design, and a bright color! Click on the photo or the link below to visit the site and read the post. Please PIN from the site if you like the project.
Paint And Stencil Vinyl Floor Makeover via Apartment Therapy.
- Ashley from Cherished Bliss just did her floors and they came out so good!! She has a fab farmhouse aesthetic. I pretty much love all her projects. She actually used a paint sprayer so you’ll definitely want to check out her tutorial! Click on the photo or the link below to visit Ashley and read her post. Please PIN from her site if you like the project.
Vinyl Floor to Cement Tile Painted Makeover by Cherished Bliss
- The Nester and I are totally on the same page here… you can’t ruin what you already hate. So why not? And this image of an all-paint makeover, reminds me of our main house full bath… yep. Dipped that room in PAINT! lol. Click on the photo or the link below to visit The Nester and read her post. Please PIN from her site if you like the project.
When It’s Time To Paint Your Ugly Floor by The Nester
I tried to share the articles I found that had the most comprehensive tutorials and supply lists, with great tips for painting linoleum and vinyl floors. I’m not sure if I’ll stencil… stripe… or? But I think paint is definitely in my future. Unless my husband magically has spare time to help remove the pedestal sink, toilet… and remove and replace the baseboards. In the next few days.
So… paint it is!
xo Shannon
I’m not afraid to paint just about anything…
Like our bathroom counters [project details CLICK HERE]
Our the wood sub-floor [shown CLICK HERE]