Goodbye September and Hello October (2015) Today I’m saying goodbye to September… and Hello to October! Does it ever feel to you, like things move fast and slow all at once? That is how September was for me. We had some hurry up and wait going on for sure. I’ll tell you more about that towards…
Testing, testing… is this thing on?
Testing, testing… is this thing on? Hello my friends! I don’t have much to report in the way of project-sharing right now, but I kind of thought if I didn’t check in soon… ya might wonder if there really was a Fox Hollow Blog, or if you imagined it all. I am sure like many…
Happenings At The Hollow #6
It’s been about 5 months since I did a Happenings At The Hollow post. I started the first one as an opportunity to share when I want to stay in touch, and sort of catch-up on things that might not fall into a particular category. Plus, I can ramble a little without feeling too guilty….