I’m sharing my {almost} chair makeover.
Oh Happy Day.
An incomplete project… what a treat!
The upside is, you can help me choose the fabric.
I am terrible at making decisions
so really, in all honesty, I need your help!!
Today is the first reveal in the
Blogging without Borders-Season of Change Series
I had decide to makeover a chair.
I have never done that before, though I know it’s old hat for many of you.
I have a set of 5 dining chairs.
It just happened that way…
Only needed 4 chairs, but the set was for 5,
so I got a bonus of sorts.
I am assuming the 6th chair met some sort of grizzly end?
I asked, but they wouldn’t talk about it.
That leaves me with an odd man out.
Perfect. Extra seating.
It travels around wherever I need it and at this time,
it resides in the living room.
(It got the boot from the bedroom when I put my exercise bike in there.)
Here is my progress;
It looked like this to begin with…
A soft, matte black, distressed.
With a checked, fabric seat.
A neutral nelly.
I decided to go from one extreme to the other and went for new white paint.
I can hear it know…
“Wow. White Shannon? You are so adventurous!”
It’s been rainy here.
{don’t ask}
So, I removed the chair pad/seat and I just painted it in my living room.
I like it white.
It’s a nice change and I did’t have to decide commit to a color.
I actually love color, I really do!
Just not as much as I love to be able to take anything I own, from one room to another and have it match.
I really, really love that!!
I have two fabric choices.
{so far}
I had both on hand.
And like both.
But am not sure I am ready to commit to either?
Number #1 is so pretty, and it makes me happy just to look at it!
Number #2 would look great if/when I pop it back in the bedroom.
(see how that neutral went with everything?)
Our Cottage Style Bedroom
Problem is, both fabrics would limit where I could place it.
So I might need a typical “safe Shannon neutral”
and have to buy a third option.
Boring though right?
So… Help!?
I know, there is no help for me…
Appearance in full on any site other then Fox Hollow Cottage is theft!
I love Fabric 1. The chair looks great so far! Megan
Before I even saw the fabric choices I swear I envisioned number 2!~ Perfect choice if you ask me:) And you just did.
I think I like #2! Excited to see what you decide!
Be brave…choose #1….then make a little flat slip with ties in your neutral….then when you want to put it somewhere else…Voila! SO easy!
I like the second one. Think it would go with a lot.
Shannon, I hope your used a brush not spray paint. :):) I like the chair white …but I can’t choose the seat covering. I almost go nuts in fabric stores. Good luck with your choice honey.Smiles, Susie
love the fresh white and i am with the majority- fabric one! love the aqua in it, of course.
My vote is 1 also! Love the aqua!
Fabric #1 no doubt about it!
Fabric 1 for sure!
Fabric 1–no neutrals allowed!
I love Fabric 1 for the chair! Love the pops of color. Fabric 2, on the other hand, is beautiful-so beautiful that I had drapes and a bench covered in it for my dining room years ago-have since changed the whole room.
Fabric 1 wins hands down! Plus it’s got aqua – it was meant to be. And I think it would fabulous in your bedroom too. Mix those patterns and have fun! Bring out your inner fabric wild child!
I vote for fabric #2. While I do like fabric #1, fabric #2 is more neutral while still having some color. You could always add a thick ribbon in the shade of blue from fabric #1 around the chair back. Also, like you said, if you need to put the chair back in the bedroom, it will match.