Diy Hard Wood Floor Reveal
or, as I wanted to title it: How Sears Broke My Heart
This post could be very ramble’sih so I apologize ahead of time. Actually I can pretty much guarantee I am going to ramble. Most of you know we are putting in hard wood floors. (yay). What some of you may not know, is that the reason this whole project began is because a brand new refrigerator we bought had a very bad leak from the ice maker. It flooded the kitchen on our main level and made it’s way down through the floor into the ceiling of the lower level of our home. This resulted in damage that had to be dealt with. The refrigerator was from Sears. Sears was wonderful during this process and the Regional Manager was very helpful. Sears referred us to an outside claims department as is the policy because the Sears Kenmore Elite unit we bought was made by LG. After just shy of a year, of back and forth, and jumping through hoops, and hassles galore with the claims department, we settled for $600 less then the lowest estimate we got to have the repairs made and the flooring replaced. Yes, they were only willing to offer us $600 less then the lowest of the 3 estimates I had to get. I was told I could file a claim if that was not satisfactory.
Moving on, Jim and I decided to save and pay the difference not only for that floor, but to do the living area as well so we could have a seamless look on the main floor. We decided to install hard wood flooring and diy it to help with costs. With that, comes a lot of a mess and a house turned upside down. Well, I did rather well ignoring the mess, the tools, the displacement, etc… besides being excited for the end result, I hung in there.
Until we were thisclosetobeingdone and our trusty table saw similar to which you can better understand at websites similar to mechanopedia caught fire and died. Jim put the last piece of flooring in by going old school with a hammer and chisel. The problem? We still have to rip all the transition pieces to complete the floor. We have 3 doorways and the large section between the living room and kitchen, and the step down into the sun room. Not being able to lay these, also has the baseboard installation on hold. It all goes together like a puzzle. And this puzzle is at a standstill.
Today, I heard from Sears about our table saw situation, and for the wholesale cost to them on a $244 item, they choose to offer me a “discount” so I could buy a new one to replace the one that caught fire. A whopping 10% off to be exact. I shared on facebook how disappointed I was and how upset this has made me. I do have to disclose, they told me I could file a damages claim. But yeah… no thanks. I don’t have a year. I really expected them to say hey, get a new saw and get that project done. We want to make good on this. I was just certain that they would want to save the day!! What the hell was I thinking? It may sound silly that I have no interest in a claim, but I just don’t want to fight. I fought all my fight against cancer thankyouverymuch. I just don’t have it in me to be that irritated and inconvenienced. I also thought, hmm… logically, wouldn’t it be cheaper to replace the unit, them to pay an adjuster to travel to our home (they don’t live around here!) and all the people involved in a claim? Doesn’t add up to me, but then, I don’t work for Sears.
I do know, I will drive 2 hours each way, (in the snow, lol) to Eugene and shop at a big box retailer, and buy another brand, putting our project off even longer. All the while praying it does not rain. Hello? I live in OREGON. Before I buy anything at the Sears literally 5 minutes from my house.
I just want to note, that I have nothing against Craftsman, I would get another Craftsman tool in a heartbeat. It’s the level of customer service that is so wildly lacking that upsets me.
Which coincidentally we have tried to support since we live in a small town. You know, support the local community and all that. It’s actually sad that our local store will suffer because of this. We were loyal shoppers for over 25 years. My grandfathers bought Craftsman, my dad bought Craftsman. Heck, we got Craftsman tools as wedding gifts! We still own and use many Craftsman tools. We’ve got our home and the little cottage. We have bought a lot of appliances at Sears over the years. As a mater of fact, we just bought a new dish washer about 5 weeks ago. From Sears. Jim wanted the security of knowing we had a brand new one with these new floors.
Now it’s not the reveal I had in mind, at all, but here is a quick pic I snapped today.
It’s not decorated, but we worked over the weekend getting all the protective cardboard up off the floor, cleaning and moving all the furniture back. It was as far as we could get. At that point we were still hoping to finish this weekend. I’m not sure what our plan is now. I guess we’ll finish when we can? It’s a bit disconcerting.
The new wall color throughout is Glidden (shown below).
All trim is BM in Super White-Gloss. All ceilings are BM Super White ceiling paint.
This is the wall color before:
I have to admit I fell a bit sad. I’m definitely off my game. I’d say I feel totally discombobulated!
This should be a super happy time, instead I am stressed.
Worst of all, my decorating mojo is a no gogo. All the pretty walls I painted are nail free. And I don’t know what I want to put where. What the heck kind of a blogger am I??? You guys should probably fire me.
Maybe I need some pinspiration?
I did get to put out my burlap table runner I ordered from Ann Drake at Sutton Place Designs.
It’s so pretty. I’ve been waiting to be able to put it out! I got it just for this spot and it’s perfect. I so adore the crisp ruffled border! I picked up a mercury glass gourd at Ross last week and popped it on top just to get to look at it. I knew I had to get everything cleaned up before I even thought about getting my Fall decor out. One mess at a time!
Because none of the transitions are done and the baseboards are not installed I didn’t take a full room shot. You can see the floors some though and how all the trim is white now!!! That was such a labor of love. It took tons of paint to cover that dark brown wood, but I LOVE it. hahaha.
I did get a few things put in my glass front cabinet as well as two tag sale finds perched on top. The milk crate is so heavy, with metal sides. I bought from a neat lady that had had it forever! The globe was $3 bucks at yard sale. It’s in super shape and at least 30 years old. It’s a really vibrant blue. I liked the shade.
Here is a Before reminder of the sun room:
You know… I never liked how the brown trim broke up the room so badly, especially in photos. I can’t even find a full room shot because of that. lol. So I’ll show you the how it looked when we moved in:
… and a snippet before picture. I just put off painting the trim since it sort of tied in the flooring and I knew it was going to be difficult, mostly over the stair case. Double that with the vaulted ceiling. Wow, it already feels like forever ago we had that laminate counter! Yuck.
And a during photo:
I painted everything to the left. I had professionals paint everything over the stairs. I didn’t dare fall and hurt myself. It just was not worth it.
You know, I feel a little bit better. I swear I am such an open book! I can’t keep anything inside. I’m like a “what you see is what you get” kinda girl, for the most part. I know I am so lucky. I do. I guess with my car breaking down, and being so close to finishing something up and other boring things, I just got a little overwhelmed. I don’t write beautifully and poetically… I’m just me. I sort of just gush it all out there. I’ve written very personal posts before and deleted them. But today I’m just going to hit publish because I know some of you probably feel the same sometimes too.
Like I tell you all the time on facebook, I love our community. I really do. You guys make my day so often. Sometimes I tear up, belly laugh and even snort laugh. (don’t tell!).
You guys mean a lot to me.
UPDATE: We now have an Ace Hardware right here in town! Guess what they sell? Yep. Craftsman. BooYah!
UPDATE II: If you want to see some proper hardwood floor pics try viewing our home tour.
I am so sorry to hear of all the mishaps during your project. It is very fustrating to have to stop and but a tool, etc. Everything is coming along beautifully and I’m sure you’ll be so happy when it’s done. As an independent retailer of all things flooring I would like to comment here. Sometimes DIY’ers get all excited about the “big box” stores and believe that the prices are so much lower. My friend, they are not. Unless you buy what they call a “loss leader”, the prices are more expensive that the independent retailer down the street. In our town when it comes to “cash & carry” items we can beat their prices any day of the week and this also applies to installed goods. So the next time anyone wants to shop local, go to your local hardware store and buy a saw or buy building products and flooring or appliances locally. As someone who likes a good deal and has gone thru all this before, I can tell you that the “big boxes” won’t take care of you but the local independent businesses will. If we don’t support them, soon all we’ll have is Walmart, Sams and Lowes and Home Depot in this world.
Actually, my Sears is Hometown store and it is locally owned. So it’s a little different. But I get what you are saying about supporting the little guy! And this is not a reflection on my Sears or it’s employees. They have nothing to do with this at all.
The white trim is wonderful – I did the same to our wood trim last fall and I love it – this fall’s project to finish the rest of the trim in the bedrooms and bathrooms…as for Sear’s – screw them – they need to realize that word of mouth is the best advertisement…and treatment like this will damage their reputation – I say never mind buying local if this is the kind of treatment you can expect – the floors are wonderful and you should be proud!!
I know! I bet you love yours too. Such a difference. It’s like.. you know it will be, then BAM. “Ahhhh”. It’s awesome 😉 lol. My store is locally owned it’s a Hometown Sears, a little different. We do support our local merchants.
oh Shan, I feel so bad for you…I totally understand it putting a stop to your decorating MOJO. You worked so hard and were so close to the finish line and then SEARS had to go and SCREW it all up. 🙂 We used to be Craftsman people too, but now they just seem to have joined the whole THROW AWAY mentality.
The floors look awesome with our without trim..I loved that handscraped flooring., and the walls and trim are so soft and elegant. Just think when its done it will be worth the pain in the butt that its been.
I just hope Austin didn’t learn any new swears in the meantime..LOL! I know my kids would have if this happened to us!
The floors are gorgeous. great job!
Thanks sweets! You know, it was just a bad day. And I was so disappointed ya know? Not even when it caught fire.. it was the after!! Um.. “no comment” on the swearing? hehehe.
Shan! It looks fantastic! I can’t believe how light and airy it looks! The rooms look twice the size! And as for Sears and LG… Poo on them! I tell you what, consumers are over a barrel and they know it. It’s ridiculous that there is no pride in customer service anymore. It’s all about their bottom line. 🙁
Hey Stitch! YOU know all about painted trim my friend. To bad we are not closer. A painting party would be much more fun. And I swear, 2 people work 4 times as fast. How is that? Anyhow, you about summed it up! And it IS sad.
I love the floors, the walls, the everything! I hope Sears reads this 🙂
Debbie, I think so too. I hope this Winter, it feels a little lighter and brighter!
You know, I am pretty sure they could care less.
But today, I say “whatevs”. I am moving on!
You have been working hard, it shows and looks great. Wish I had a funny to make you snort.
You make me snort plenty!!!! Love you.
I am sorry if I missed it but what type of flooring did you install? It is beautiful! Is it a laminate?
Ha. Well, it was sort of a crazy odd post. Sorry about that! We installed Lumber Liquidators Knob Hill Birch . It’s a 3/4 inch hard wood with nail in installation.
I hate that the project has come to an unexpected halt. I would be feeling exactly like you are right now.
Let yourself off of the hook as far as decorating the walls. Let them be blank and eventually the inspiration will come.
I know it’s not done, but everything looks so pretty. You should be proud. And isn’t it so fun to have a little something from Ann? I bought a blue ticking runner from her and I love it….and I love that it reminds me of her every time I see it.
Gorgeous! the floors are amazing. You and Jim are amazing. You for having to deal with the mess and your house upside down and Jim for all his hard work and labor. You have a blank canvas and I can’t wait to see what you do with it. And shame on SEARS!
I love your transparency! It makes you real and therefore the gorgeous spaces you create real…and possible for normal earthlings like me. I don’t like to fight either. I express my feelings BT my purchasing power. Great post! Press on! We love ya!
Oh we are soooo normal. Well, you know what I mean, average normal. lol. Thanks for the sweet comment. Yes, they can pretty much bite me. I would not give a dime to get a new saw. It will be purchased elsewhere.
Sears…put your hand out- SMACK SMACK SMACK… — Now that that is done. FOXY.hellooooo doll! Those floors are amazing! WOW! Loving it lady!
They need a smack 😉 Thanks girl!! They are pretty, we love them and Jim worked so hard. We’ll figure out the finishing, just hope before the rain!
I can feel your frustration. :-/ No really I can.
Sigh… last year we were hip deep in a reno. Noting drastic mind, but changes… new paint colour ( going from Tuscan decor to Country French(ish). We got most of the painting done…. designed the laundryroom make over… then it happened. My Mr was hospitalized. This was days before I was to go to Texas to be with my sister who was to have her 3rd brain surgery. He was released…. I stayed home.. then guess what, I was hospitalized. Critical. Bedrest for 2 months. Treatments… bad!! Lost my hair… BUT… but we are all 3 of us doing well. ONe year later
But needless to say, we were living in a home in turmoil. Still working on finishing amidst day to day living. Hahahaaa.. Funny, I started blogging while on bedrest a year ago.
I can relate to frustration and wanting to get things done.. budget.. grrr, such a nasty word.
LUV the floors!!! And the white trim. Suweet!!!
BIG hugs gurlfriend!
I am crashing. been painting all day. little canvas… kicked my butt.
Oh Shannon, I am just in awe at how those floors and that paint have transformed your spaces! Everything looks so much bigger!!! As for Sears wanting you to go through and file a complaint and have an adjuster come out, taking more time, well…that is their plan. They want people to feel overwhelmed and not willing to fight..because that in itself saves them money. Giving up is not an option chic…you fight for what is rightfully yours and what is due to you. Like you said…you all have been loyal customers for many years and they need to know that and feel the brunt of you not returning. Hang in there, I’m rooting for ya and hope it all works out the way you would like it to. Everything is looking absolutely beautiful!
It does Mel! The white just really opened things up. The Cottonwood was good at the last house, this one, not so much! Tomorrow is another day, we’ll see? But today, I don’t want to fight, I get so upset, it’s not worth it to my health.
Shame on Sears! But, I love that you went ahead and posted – and it already looks pretty terrific, even though you point out that you’re not finished. Too often, photos in blogs do feel very staged, a little too perfect. It is almost intimidating the level of glossy perfection some bloggers seem to achieve daily. I would prefer to see some “real life” show up from time to time, if only to remind me that I am not alone in my feeling less than stellar in comparison to other bloggers! Bravo on a little honesty; it is every bit as inspiring and encouraging as glossy perfection!!!
Jane – You know, so many folks have been following along… and I was feeling pressure to share! You know, not just drag it out forever, but I knew it wasn’t “ready”. It was so freeing to just post. It’s true. I don’t want to be in a magazine. I really don’t care. If one came knocking I guess? Cool. But it’s not a goal. I am going to start sharing more imperfect things. I think you are right, the gloss is just getting to be too much. At least for this girl. I will try my best, but I am dropping the standards I have placed on myself. I’ll decorate however it comes out, I do love that, but the overall glossiness is going buh-bye!!!! I know we talk about it blogland sometimes, but it’s like we need these little corrections to remind us that it does not have to be perfect. Thanks for you lovely comment!!
Beautiful Shannon!
Don’t feel bad Shannon, I quit ’em for the very same reason, I have a Sears one mile up the street and I never never ever shop there any more!!! Their warranty is worthless!!! Sorry about all your stress and problems at one time, the end product is absolutely gorgeous!!!! I love it!!!!! I consider any project I attempt a success if I still have any religion left and a few hairs still on my head!!! LOL. Especially if its a joint project with my Darling Hubby!!!!! Hang in there, you did great!!!!!
It’s sad actually… wonder if they’ll be the next big Dinosaur retailer to go under for good? Kmart bought them and I don’t know if it made things better or worse because of that. The facebook page is just overflowing with upset customers. I’m crossing my fingers all my appliances hold up. XXX Everyone in my homes is from… SEARS. Of course. I was a loyal Sears shopper. Metal shed outbuildings, tools, appliances, lawn mower, exercise equipment, vacuums… well, you get the picture. Too bad they didn’t 🙁