Style Showcase 28 | Free Art Printables, Home Tips & Tours
We have another loaded Style Showcase for you today!! With free art printables for your walls, home decorating tips, a garden tour… plus ideas for your outdoor spaces. We are well into May now, with Summer on the way. Are you getting excited about spending more time outdoors? We sure are!
Shabbyfufu | Designer Looks For Less On Your Patio
Southern Hospitality | Gibbs Garden Summer Tour
Town & Country Living | Daisy Printables For Summer Art
Worthing Court | How To Perk Up A Room With One Small Change
Fox Hollow Cottage | Real Simple Board & Batten
Sand & Sisal | Spray Painting Ceramic Pots
I know some of you have been having sunshine, while some of you got snow (oh my)! But no matter the weather, I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day Weekend.
We had a slow, quite weekend, and it was perfect. With time spent puttering and planting, and working on our property. My niece found a new to us nursery in our area, and texted to tell me about it. So on Saturday, Jim & I made a trip and we got two gorgeously fragrant Miss Kim Lilacs, which thrilled me to no end!!!!
Sunday was slow too… with a lovely breakfast. We spent more time outside, and I, more time with my plants & flowers— which included moving all my pots on the deck, in preparation for the week of rain we are predicted to have. Everything is blooming, and I’m hoping all the wet doesn’t turn all my petals to mush. My Clematis is blooming like crazy, and our Rhododendron is in full bud, ready to positively pop! I hate to lose all my blooms, they show off for such a short time.
Rain or shine, we’ll be visiting the nursery again this coming weekend. We’ve got an appointment, and will be able to see everything this time! I predict I will be very, very poor after our visit. While I am normally very thrifty… and say no to so much… I have very little control when it comes to plants and flowers. I tend to want them all. In fact, I already have a few paid for over the phone and waiting for us! I can’t wait to go, and I’ll be sure to show you what we get, and where we are planting it. It’s so exciting to finally be at a place where we can expend some time, energy and budget towards our outdoor spaces.
Okay, signing off for now! xo Shan