Here is a little peek at Christmas past.
Sharing my attempt at a
“Shimmery~Silver~Glam” Christmas vibe.
“Shimmery~Silver~Glam” Christmas vibe.
I was going for a sort of
Winter Wonderland look.
This was take #2.
The first version was so terrible, I took it down and started all over. Really, I did. I didn’t include a photo because I am pretty sure you value your eyesight.
I really loved this look… it felt so magical!
Like the ornaments were just dripping from the garland.
This was also pre-fireplace makeover.
Our home is pretty open for it’s age.
The main entry, living room,
kitchen and sun room all flow together.
The kitchen has an arched cutout looking down my stairwell which lets in additional light. I’m sure this was an add on or renovation at some point.
(I would be so curious to know what the original footprint was?)
I am glad it was done though!
It makes it trouble free for me to
bring decor into the kitchen without cluttering up the counters and being in the way.
As you could see in the previous shot, the kitchen steps right down into the sun room…
I know I have mentioned it before,
but for anyone new…
We never, ever eat in here
so I am free to do what I please and it does not impact our daily routine at all.
Works for me!!
I can decorate away, guilt free.
It’ll be fun to try a new look now that the counter tops have had a makeover.
It’ll be fun to try a new look now that the counter tops have had a makeover.
The look was achieved by layering
small-to-medium sized cedar boughs over clear,
C-7(bulb size) white lights.
C-7(bulb size) white lights.
Super easy!
(or you know I wouldn’t have done it)
The ornaments & candy canes just
yell “MERRY CHRISTMAS” to me.
I will be using something similar again this year for sure!
Hope you are gearing up for Happy Holidays…
This content is original to Fox Hollow Cottage and belongs to Shannon Fox.
Appearance in full on any site other then Fox Hollow Cottage is theft!
Appearance in full on any site other then Fox Hollow Cottage is theft!
Good Afternoon Shannon, I love Christmas, I love decorating, I love wrapping parcels and I love how you have decorated your home. I found you via Savvy Southern Ways and have become a follower. Sending you best wishes from England….Daphne
Okay, lets get rid of the orange pumpkins and get out all the Christmas cheer…can’t wait!
Hi Shannon! I love your mantel and am excited to see what is to come! We can’t wait for Christmas! 🙂
It was truly gorgeous. Hard not to want to recreate it!
Yes, I have been dreaming of Christmas, too, Shannon! Your mantle was so pretty. Everything is lovely!
It looks great! Can’t wait to see this year! Happy Thanksgiving!
I love it! Christmas Past was a hit. The mantel & fireplace are so magical.
Now if only we didn’t live on opposite coasts, I would beg you to come help me decorate. lol
I remember this Christmas look from RMS! I loved it then, and love it now.
Have a happy day, Shannon!
~ Wendi ~