Hi guys!! It’s about a month until Valentine’s Day and we are so lucky to have Kimberly here sharing with us today! Just in time to gather our supplies and make this qt without feeling rushed. I’ll leave her to it. Please welcome Kimberly now.
Valentine’s Day Feather Heart Wreath { a craft tutorial}
Hello Fox Hollow readers, I’m sharing an easy DIY feather heart wreath that will take under ten minutes to make.
To tell you the truth, I decided that I couldn’t even call this post a tutorial. After all, when the materials list consists of a heart shaped Styrofoam wreath form and a couple of rolls of feather trim from Hobby Lobby, is there really much of a tutorial necessary?
In the spirit of full disclosure, this wreath is the end result of a snow storm on New Year’s Eve combined with my getting off of work at 4:30 instead of 5:30 which meant that I found myself with entire hour to wander aimlessly through the aisles see what new and exciting merchandise may have come in during my recent, self-imposed, month-long hiatus from all craft and fabric stores during December.
I managed to resist looking through the 80% off holiday decorations (the male population of my home breathed a collective sigh of relief…or at least they would have had they known.)
I also stayed away from the three aisles of spring planters and outdoor decor. After all, I had to scrape an inch of snow and ice off of my car to get there so spending more time outdoors really isn’t on my to do list for the next couple of months.
I actually thought that maybe I’d get out of the store without purchasing anything at all…But then I got to the fabric department…and the racks of ribbon by the bolt. Ask anyone who knows me, I’m a sucker for ribbon.
You know, on second thought, it’s probably best not to bring up ribbon or Hobby Lobby at all. Let’s just keep it between us, okay?
2014 has been lovely so far and I’d like to make it through at least a week before having another talk about craft supplies….
….Where were we?
Oh, right, I remember. On the very bottom rack I spotted two spools of the most beautiful pale pink feather ribbon that I’ve ever seen. I thought, “Hmmm…what can I do with this tiny, baby soft, pink feather boa-like ribbon that’s fifty percent off?”
Making a pale pink, heart-shaped, feather wrapped Valentine’s Day wreath was the logical conclusion… wasn’t it?!
I grabbed a Styrofoam wreath form (40% off) and an unfinished wood “x” and “o” (50% off) and was out the door with my bag in hand (and change from my ten dollar bill in my pocket) before the nice lady came over the speaker system to remind me that the store would be closing in ten minutes.
The rest was so fast and easy that it took longer for me to decide whether or not to add the pink bow than it did to make the entire wreath!
Debbie refresh resytle says
Love it! So pretty 🙂